Everything in place: 8 Tips to not go crazy looking for your socks

During childhood we cared little or nothing about wearing different socks,but you have grown up, you are independent, an adult who has everything under control or you have simply matured a little and the matter no longer makes you funny and even embarrasses you.

If you are tired of wasting valuable minutes every morning looking in all the possible places where the partner of your sockcould be, take note, because if getting a partner for you was not a very big effort, the pair of your sock does not have to make you the life of squares:

Root of the problem: They may fall off the clothesline, have piles of clothes everywhere, fall behind in the washer or dryer. Whatever the source of the problem, identify it and solve it. Better safe than sorry.

Specific place: Trying to match your socks will be more difficult if they are next to clothes. Spend a few minutes cleaning your drawers,choose one to store only your socks, so no solitary sock will play a trick on you at the least indicated time. If you have different types of socks, pinkies, invisible, half a cane, knee-high... organize them by types and colors to make it easier when choosing a style.

Minimize: Minimalism has many advantages, estimate how many you use in a week and keep that amount always clean. That is, you should have twice as many socks as you are going to spend during the week, so that in this way you never lack clean changes while washing the other half.

Together with washing: If by the day of washing any of your socks has not magically disappeared, do not take a risk and wash them all together in the same load. Failing that, all together in a bag, as long as it is made of a thin fabric that allows the passage of water and soap, there will be no inconvenience. You can use the pillowcase, and if you don't like this tip you can also attach them with clothes clips.

Direct to the drawer or bucket: Once clean, dry and paired, store them all in a specific place, preferably a compartment just for them. Try to have them all in sight so you can search and choose one more easily. On the contrary, when you finish using them, join them by a knot or putting one inside the other before throwing them into the bucket of dirty clothes.

All the same: Buying identical socks will make it easier to store them once clean, however, remember that this does not exempt you from losing them only lightens the problem, you still have to be careful. If fashion and style are your thing, this won't be your advice.

Be thorough: If the damage is already done, arm yourself with patience and search. Do not forget that they are relatively small and without problem can go in larger garments, be comfortably stuffed in a shoe, or lying on the floor of the room or bathroom.

Solitary together: You searched, organized and counted, then you have before you some single socks, if you want to give them a chance that is far from your drawers, you can recycle them and do something great with them or just leave them all in a separate place, for something they will serve one day. You can use them as rags, you can make puppets for your children and a thousand other things that you can think of.

The fugitive socks have their days numbered, you know, each sheep with its partner, cheer up and do not miss any, because an orderly space yields more benefits than the work involved. Let the morning minutes run, you are with your shoes well on ready to start a new day.

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